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Discover GlobalExam
Who are we?
GlobalExam Live
Technical problems
I am a trainer or Administrator
Starting on GlobalExam
Presentation of the Admin Portal
What is the Digital Teacher Certification and what is it for ?
Learners' follow up and progress
🎓 How to activate licenses for your learners?🎓
How do I download the list of users and their statuses?📋🔽
What do the statuses "Registered", "Confirmed", "Active", and "Inactive" mean for my learners in the administrator dashboard?
How to resolve a student's access issues and resend an activation email?
How to log in and out of your learners’ accounts?
How Do I Create and Manage a Group?
How do I associate a teacher with a group?
How do I associate a user with a group?
How to assign virtual classes to my students ?
Assign Personalised Courses to Your Learners
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My tools
How to make statistical exports of the activities carried out by your learners ?
Personalise your PDF attendance sheet
How do I download statistics about my learners?
Can I Track my Students’ Progress?
How do I set up a grading system for my students?
How can I correct my learners’ work?
How can I evaluate my students’ skill levels?
The different types of statistical exports
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My formula
How can I buy licenses?
Do you offer language certificates or diplomas ?