The different types of statistical exports
From your administration portal, you can retrieve your learners' results at any time to follow their progress in more details .
Here is the type of information you can find in the different exports:
- To measure the number of activities, the time spent and the average scores obtained by users on all their preparations, including all the modules.
- To measure the progression of the users in the attributed programmes, and also the average of the scores obtained to the programme activities.
Training Mode
- To calculate the number of activities performed by users in the Training module, the time spent and the average of the scores obtained.
Exam Mode
- To calculate the number of activities performed by users in the Examination module, the time spent and the average of the scores obtained.
Level test module
- Do students have to take a level test? Find out your results in this export!
- At a glance, find out the number of activities and the time spent on the platform by learners, for the certification part and Business English (total activity time of your users on both platforms and details on the certification part and Business English).
- What skills have your students worked on? What are the ones that give you the most problems? The answers in this export!
Time and attendance sheets (PDF)
- Recommended by training organisations to justify the time spent by the trainee on the platform and its results
- Check the number of connections and the time spent on the platform by students.
- Consult the details of the activities carried out by the students, in all the modules.
- Which students have a license on the GlobalExam platform, specifying the start and end date of their license.
For more information on how to download exports, please read our article on how to download user statistics!
You have other questions❓
Please contact your CSM referent directly from the "dashboard" in your admin area.

See you soon on GlobalExam❗😃