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How can I view my statistics?

In your account, you have access to the "Statistics" tab at the top of your screen (or by scrolling down the home page).


At a glance, you’ll be able to see all your statistics, such as the time you’ve spent on activities, a login counter to measure your attendance, or an appraisal of your skills.

Here are the sections available to you:

  • On the left of your screen, you’ll find an overview of your progress, including your top score on any practice exams, its equivalent CEFR level, and a summary of your study programme.
  • "Your recent activity": you can find an average score per session over the last five days, as well as a login counter, to encourage you to connect to the platform every day ;)
  • "Your activity": a calculation of the overall time spent on the platform, along with a trend curve and a daily average.
  • “Skills report”: your progress across the three categories of grammar, vocabulary, and language is displayed here. You’ll also be able to see a summary of the skills you need to work on, as well as those you already master!

If you encounter any difficulties, we invite you to contact support by mail :)