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The Birth of GlobalExam

At 23, Charles-Eliott failed the TOEFL and missed the opportunity to finish his studies at the London School of Economics.

He realised that it was difficult to prepare effectively for a language exam: obsolete material, restrictive and uninspiring revision, and the feeling of being alone in front of a mountain to climb.

His thoughts matured and 3 years later, he created GlobalExam.


2014 : the adventure begins. GlobalExam is a preparation platform for 3 language certifications: the TOEIC, the TOEFL iBT and the HSK. Its objective? To enable students to pass their language certification with flying colours.

GlobalExam quickly became a collective project!

2015 : Aurélien and Loïc join Charles to improve the platform. They set up the first partnerships with higher education schools to help students improve their language skills.
The number of registrations increases and the requests come pouring in...

2016 : new certifications arrive on GlobalExam. The design and features of the platform evolve to better meet the needs of users.

2017 : 100,000 users are officially registered on GlobalExam and prepare their language tests with us! In total, 12 language certification courses are available on the platform.

2018 : Taiwan, Brazil, Ivory Coast...GlobalExam enters into its first international partnerships! Languages are an extremely powerful vector of exchange and interculturality. The platform enables people from all walks of life to learn languages for their studies, their careers or their personal lives.

2019 : the 500,000 mark is passed! Nearly 40 people are working on the GlobalExam project to enable all users of the platform to achieve their life goals, whether personal or professional, through languages.

2020 : anglicism at work, international video-conferencing... English has never been so present in the business world. The Global Business English course is now available on the platform. Its objective? To enable each learner to progress in English for their career, in accordance with their ambitions and their daily professional life. There are now over 1 million users!

2021 : our users tell us about their desire to learn new languages. After several months of pedagogical engineering, a new training course is born. Its name? Global General! For beginners as well as for the more advanced, this course allows everyone to progress in the language of their choice according to their level and their learning objective. This is also the year that GlobalExam is forging its first partnerships, with companies ranging from growing SMEs to ETIs operating on an international scale.

2022 : we are more than 100 people at GlobalExam! We work every day to enable every learner to succeed in their studies, develop their career and enrich their personal life through foreign languages. GlobalExam now has more than 2 million registrants on the platform and over 1,500 B2B partners.