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How to create an account?

You want to create a GlobalExam account? Nothing could be easier, find out here how to do it in a few clicks :)

1- To create an account :

  • Head to our home page and click on the “Create my account” button on the bottom left of the screen. Or, head directly to our registration page.

  • After inputting the requested information, click on “Register” 
  • You will be redirected to your user area, where you will be able to begin your training


However, we do suggest that you confirm your account before beginning your training.

Confirming your account is necessary for you to be able to access the features linked to your  subscription. It will also allow you to receive emails tracking your progress, tips, and to-the-minute news related to language tests.


2- To confirm your account :

  • Head to your inbox. Open the GlobalExam email that was automatically sent to you when you registered (don’t forget to check your spam messages!).
  • In the message, click the “Confirm my account” button. You will be redirected towards your GlobalExam user area.
  • Your account will be confirmed.

If you did not receive a message to confirm your account, you can click on the “Resend confirmation email” button in your user area, which appears in the band at the top of your screen.

If you are unable to open or confirm your account by following the above directions, we invite you to contact our support team:

Good training on GlobalExam !